Vetcare Calmcare Spot-on for Cats & Kittens


The Pheromone used in VETCARE Calmcare Spot-On for Cats and Kittens is an effective solution to help calm, comfort and reassure cats and help reduce unwanted behaviour. Using pheromones recognised by your cat, VETCARE Calmcare Spot-On for Cats and Kittens helps them feel at ease to reduce common problems such as excessive meowing, aggressive behaviour, fighting, avoidance, hiding or general feelings of anxiety. VETCARE Calmcare Spot-On for Cats and Kittens is beneficial when cats are faced with new experiences, such as learning periods, social situations, a new family, and multi-cat households. The calming effect can also support your cat during other stressful situations such as travelling, cattery stays, vet visits, and during thunderstorms, fireworks and other loud noises. The maternal appeasing pheromone is naturally produced by queens when nursing their kittens, and is a crucial part of the bonding process. By replicating this pheromone in VETCARE Calmcare Spot-On for Cats and Kittens, cats associate the pheromone with feelings of safety and reassurance, helping to calm them. As cats are naturally solitary, this can be particularly valuable in multi-cat households, helping to promote harmonious living. VETCARE Calmcare Spot-On for Cats and Kittens is suitable for cats of all breeds. It will not affect other animals in the household or sedate your cat, and can be used alongside any medication your cat may be
taking. It is ideal to facilitate bonding between cats or with other members of the family. The effect of each spot-on lasts up to 1 week. Re-apply as necessary.

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Life Stage
Adult and Kitten
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All cats
SKU 6009608499258 Categories ,


  • Ease of use
  • Safe to use on young and old pets
  • 3 pipettes x 0,55 ml. Each pipette offers a week’s treatment

Maternal Appeasing Pheromone Analogue          2,5 %
Ethoxydiglycol Q.S.                                                    0,55 ml”

Aids in reducing stress:

  • Noise phobias
  • Visits to cattery
  • Separation anxiety
  • When travelling


  • Remove 1 pipette from the pack
  • Hold upright and cut open on the indicated line
  • Part cat’s hair – ideally on top of the head between the ears
  • The treatment will naturally spread over the cat’s skin

Apply the contents of one pipette and allow to dry. Take care to apply VETCARE Calmcare Spot-On for Cats and Kittens in a different place to a flea product, ideally on the top of your cat’s head between the ears. For best result, re-apply once a week. If your cat gets very wet, such as during heavy rain or following a bath, the effect may be diminished.

Do not use on damaged skin. Store at or below 25 °C.
Store in a dry place. Keep out of reach and sight of children.


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