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Like people, cats have different interests, personalities and bad habits. In the case of stealing, some cats will nip anything they can get their paws on – with some even hoarding their treasures in a special place. There are a number of reasons why cats might steal, and not all of them are negative. Attention ... Read more
Bedtime for you doesn’t always mean bedtime for your cat. Cats are naturally nocturnal, so just as we are about to hit the hay, they are ready to come alive. Cats tend to do much of their napping during the day, sleeping for as long as four to five hours at one time – and ... Read more
Whether it’s an open suitcase, an old box, your brand new black shirt or your open laptop, cats seem to have a habit of sitting in or on whatever they can find. Why does my cat like to sit inside things? It’s all down to basic instincts. Most cats are looking for somewhere to hide ... Read more
There’s nothing worse than coming home to a puddle of cat pee (or worse), next to, instead of inside the litter box. And when it starts to become a habit, it can be a sign that your cat has rejected the litter box entirely. Why would my cat to reject the litter box? Cats are ... Read more
Every cat is different, but you can learn a lot about their mood by paying close attention to their body language. From a fuzzy raised tail, to subtle twitching of the ears, these signs are more than just unique personality traits – they’re essential ways in which our cats communicate with us, and each other. ... Read more
While a kitten’s gentle nibbles may seem cute at first, biting can turn into a seriously bad habit. In kittens, biting is learned from playing and interacting with others in the litter. In this case, the idea is not to hurt, but is rather a form of mock sparring or play-hunting that helps kittens bond ... Read more
It’s an old myth that cats can’t be trained to walk on a leash. Not only is it very possible, and comfortable (if approached correctly), it opens a new set of opportunities for your cat to get active, and spend quality time with you in a safe, controlled way. Here are five steps to help ... Read more
We’re thrilled to have launched PAMPER Dry food in-store, and we can’t wait for your cat to try it (that’s if they haven’t got their paws on it already). However, whoever said change is as good as a holiday, never tried to change a cat’s dietary habits. We know how fussy cats can be and ... Read more
We all know cats like to take the lead on keeping themselves clean, but that’s not always the case when it comes to their teeth. Like humans, cats have very sensitive mouths, and looking after oral health is very important to their overall well-being. Diet plays a big role in the health of your cat’s ... Read more
Taking on a cat as a fur kid and companion is not always easy. Cats can be very strong-willed about their needs, and it’s important as a cat owner to priorities their well being over their preferences – and demands. Where health is concerned, ignoring your cat’s weight problem is never an option. A cute, ... Read more
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