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The ins and outs of cat litter From cleanliness to adopting greener habits Litter comes in all shapes, sizes, and consistencies, but one thing they all have in common is the ability to give our cats a convenient way to use the toilet. Cats are known to be very clean animals, constantly grooming themselves and ... Read more
SUMMER PET CARE: TIPS FOR A PET-FRIENDLY HOLIDAY SEASON The holiday season is around the corner, and we’re all excited. But have you thought about your pet’s summer holiday plans? Whether they’re joining you or staying behind, here are some of our top tips for a pet-friendly holiday season. Your pet is joining you on ... Read more
What you need to know about deworming your pets  Worms can infect cats and dogs of all ages, and they pose a risk to humans too. That’s why regular deworming should be part of your pet’s routine to take care of their overall health, as well as your own. Luckily, deworming your pets is an ... Read more
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