Tips for Summer

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The holiday season is around the corner, and we’re all excited. But have you thought about your pet’s summer holiday plans? Whether they’re joining you or staying behind, here are some of our top tips for a pet-friendly holiday season.

Your pet is joining you on holiday 

If your pet is with you, you can keep track of them and have peace of mind knowing they’re in your care. Travelling with pets can be a challenge, but a little preparation can help

take the edge off for you and your fur baby.

If you’re travelling by car 

It’s important to make the journey as pleasant as possible for you and your pet. There are a few things you’ll need to consider before you head out:

  • If your pet is prone to car sickness, avoid feeding them for at least six hours before the trip.
  • Your pet will need to take many breaks throughout the trip to drink some water and stretch their legs. You’ll need to factor in stopping every one to two hours into your travel time.
  • While it’s tempting to sedate your pet and have them sleep through the journey, this is dangerous. If you’re worried about their stress levels, opt for a calming agent instead. Bob Martin has a wide range of products for both cats and dogs.
  • You’ll need to ensure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date and you’ll need to bring their vaccination records along. This is important as vaccination records are often checked at roadblocks, and you’ll need these on hand should there be an emergency.
  • If your trip is longer than 12 hours, pre-book pet friendly accommodation along the way.

If you’re travelling by plane 

Some airlines allow you to transport your pet as manifested cargo. This means your pet would travel on its own flight booking, usually at the bottom of the plane where temperature and pressure is still controlled. Very rarely will pets be allowed to join you in your cabin, but exceptions do exist for guide dogs. To fly with your pet, you’ll need to check your specific airline’s requirements and it’s best to discuss the plan of action with your vet beforehand.  Remember to use a safe and reliable calming agent to reduce any anxiety your pet might have during flights. Bob Martin’s Calmcare range offers a variety of applications that are not only safe to use but will also give longer coverage.

You’re heading out but your pet’s staying behind

While technology has advanced and many automatic feeders are now available, your pet should never be left alone over an extended period. Accidents happen, so it’s important to have someone checking in regularly. Plus, they’ll love the interaction. Here are our top three options for pet care this holiday season:

A house sitter or pet sitter 

A lot of pets are homebodies and don’t like being moved around. Sometimes, it’s best to keep them in their safe space to avoid any unnecessary stress. House sitters or pet sitters are a great way to ensure your pet is cared for while you’re away. A house sitter will usually stay in your house for the time you are away, so your pet will have someone with them. House sitting is also a great way to ensure your home is cared for while you’re gone. Pet sitters usually just check in on your pet every day. This is a great option for pets who are more independent. Remember to do your homework and find a reputable house sitter

or pet sitter and book them in advance, especially around the festive season.

The kennels or cattery

Most kennels and catteries are run by experienced individuals who have your pet’s best interests at heart. It’s also common practice for these organisations to send you regular updates so you can have peace of mind. Long-term stays often come at a discounted rate and your pet will be given plenty of attention. It’s important to research a kennel or cattery to ensure your pet will be in the best hands.

You should inform the kennels or cattery of any specific needs your pet might have and provide them with emergency contact details. Remember to ensure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date and that they have been dewormed before taking them to the kennels or cattery. Most catteries and kennels require the following vaccines to be up to date:

For dogs:

  • 5-in-1
  • Rabies
  • Kennel cough

For cats:

  • 3-in-1
  • Rabies
  • Snuffles

Friends or family 

Friends and family are a great choice for pet care, especially if your pet already knows them well. If they have their own pets and you plan on dropping your pet off with them, make sure you socialise beforehand.

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