COVID-19 and Your Cat

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Here are seven questions with answers your cats wish you knew about the COVID-19 disease.

No! The World Health Organisation has stated that there is currently no evidence that cats
(or dogs) can carry and/or transmit COVID-19 to humans or other animals. There are however different types of Coronavirus which cats and dogs can carry respectively, BUT these have been around for a while already and CANNOT be transmitted to humans.

We understand that the dog in Hong Kong tested Negative for COVID-19, was returned home from quarantine and has since passed away, BUT most likely from natural causes as the pooch was already 17 years old. Our sympathies go out to the owner(s).

There is currently no evidence that masks can prevent cats from contracting infectious diseases – especially due to the variations in muzzle shapes. If anything, wearing a mask may just scare and confuse you.

This is VERY unlikely. The hygienic handling of raw materials and thorough cooking of foods is already a top-priority for us, as we have to comply with many laws – Coronavirus or not!
What’s more, our food is nutritionally complete which will also help you fight infections.
For added peace of mind your owners can give you a good multivitamin.

Simply as a measure of precaution, it is recommended that you are kept away from the infected member of your family and that your healthy owners follow normal hygiene practices, such as washing their hands before and after handling you.

There are several other viral and bacterial infections that you can contract, that aren’t COVID-19 and aren’t infectious to your owners. If you show any signs of sneezing, coughing or fatigue, your owners should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian who will diagnose and help you get better!

No! The shelters are already battling with day-to-day operations outside of COVID-19 and your owners should not be adding to this problem due to fear. In fact, there has never been a better time for them to bond with you through grooming and play (to keep your mind and body in tip-top shape), whilst also remembering not to overstimulate you.

Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash

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